Embrace Your Soul's Awakening at Serenity Vista: A Journey of Radical Recovery
If you are newly considering going to rehab, or going to a 12 Step program, this question might seem very strange. What is the difference? You may think, “I have a drinking problem. So if I quit drinking, all my problems should go away. Right?” Well, you could try that, and if you are successful, like the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says, ‘Our hats are off to you’. Our collective experience shows that for the vast majority of people that find their way to AA/NA/OA or rehab, this approach has no lasting effects.The 12 Step literature is very clear the problem for addicts lies in their thinking, and the ways in which they have attempted to manage their lives and the world around them. Addiction is often called a disease of perception. How the addict sees the world is skewed to the negative, and it makes not a whit of difference where this perception came from. Oh, it may be an interesting intellectual exercise some day, to carefully examine where our notions and beliefs come from, but it makes no difference to recovery. If the house is on fire, no one attempts to shift through the flames to find out where or why it started. While the house is burning, the cause is irrelevant, we need to get the fire put out, and before the house is nothing but ash.
Working a 12 Step Program, or participating in a quality drug rehab that is not just looking for a repeat customer, takes a whole lot of courage. Alcoholics and addicts have spent lifetimes honing their skills at evading, explaining, justifying, rationalizing, lying, cheating and stealing. People with other diseases have different symptoms; this partial list is not a character judgment. The symptoms of active addiction are way above and beyond the actual drug use, or dysfunctional behavior such as food or gambling addiction.The solution presents some very radical ideas that most people balk at. Those of us who work in the field of addiction recovery are well experienced with balking, not only from the one trying to recover, but from the family of the addict. Addicts don’t evolve from a vacuum, and there is almost always a family involved that has been affected greatly by the disease. Often it is a family member that is the biggest balker and sabotager of the person’s recovery. In the end, we present the solution, and encourage people to follow the path. Sometimes the resistance is just too great, and that is ok. As professionals we know that Source has his/her/their or its own path for each one of its children. It is sad watching a house burn, but we can only do so much.
If you are ready to shift your perception of focus in a very real, authentic and genuine way, with empathetic , caring, but consistent therapists, consider Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama. If you just want to stop drinking, using or binging and purging, there are treatment centers that will just remove you from temptation, and you can get a few weeks of abstinence in. If you are ready to recover, and willing to go to any lengths to do so, come and discover Panama and a new way to live in sobriety.
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