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You can't make apple juice out of apple blossoms.[/caption]The popular Latin phrase Carpe Diem is usually translated as 'seize the day'. Not that I am a Latin scholar, but I did find out that the translation of 'Carpe' is more literally 'pluck', mostly as in picking fruit. Carpe Diem then, is more accurately translated as 'Enjoy the day, pluck the day when it is ripe'. What a difference!To seize is defined as 'to take hold of suddenly or forcibly; grasp'. Sound familiar? This is how most people in active addiction live their lives, perpetually grappling with the Universe, then complaining about the goods.So, instead of Carpe Diem literally meaning 'seizing the day', wesuggest that you try the new and improved "recovery" translation, living life on life's terms, waiting for all things to come in their proper season, when they are best enjoyed. Enjoy the day, pluck when ripe.
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