Thanksgiving, Sobriety & Your Family
In the realm of addiction recovery, Tradition 7 of Alcoholics Anonymous stands as a long-standing beacon of self-support, emphasizing a critical aspect often overlooked in the battle against addiction: financial autonomy. Beyond its financial implications, Tradition 7 represents a profound spiritual philosophy, one that reverberates within recovery circles for its subtlety, depth, and time-proven critical importance for healthy recovery at the level of both the individual and groups.
At its heart, Tradition 7 calls for self-reliance among groups, self-support, fostering an environment where individuals contribute to sustain the fellowship without outside support and hence potential for control. This ethos extends beyond financial support, encapsulating the spiritual principles of unity, service, and reliance on a higher power. This effectively avoids any conflict of outside interests, whether they be governmental, religious, institutional or corporate.
The landscape of addiction treatment has witnessed a seismic shift, with many drug rehabs now entangled in a complex web involving insurance companies and pharmaceutical giants.
However, the landscape of addiction treatment has witnessed a seismic shift, with many drug rehabs now entangled in a complex web involving insurance companies and pharmaceutical giants. While phrases like "private pay" and "self-pay" were once cornerstones of recovery options, the infiltration of insurance-driven treatment centers funded by pharmaceutical companies raises pertinent questions about the integrity of the recovery process.
The overarching decision influencer in most corporate drug rehabs today is filling beds and maintaining the revenue streams primarily from third parties, most notably insurance providers.
The consequences of this shift are staggering. Treatment facilities bound to insurance and pharmaceutical entities, and often corporate shareholders, often find themselves in a conflicted space. The treatment protocols and decisions might be influenced by profit margins over that of individualized care. The very essence of Tradition 7—selflessness, autonomy, and trust within the fellowship—becomes diluted in these settings, compromising the recovery journey for many.
The overarching decision influencer in most corporate drug rehabs today is filling beds and maintaining the revenue streams primarily from third parties, most notably insurance providers.
Why, then, would an individual genuinely committed to healthy sobriety in recovery steer clear of these instutional rehabs? The answer lies in the erosion of core principles. In these settings, the emphasis can stray from holistic, personalized care to meeting insurance criteria, corporate interests, or promoting pharmaceutical interventions. The spiritual fabric of autonomy and self-reliance becomes frayed amidst profit-driven motives.
For someone earnestly seeking recovery, the choice becomes clear: opt for a rehab that upholds the sanctity of autonomy. Selecting a facility operating outside the influence of insurance conglomerates, pharmaceutical and other corporate and financial interests ensures a unique focus on individualized care, spiritual growth, and supportive of a community dedicated to collective recovery.
In the quest for genuine recovery, the principle of autonomy acts as a guiding light. It reminds us that true healing stems from independent service, trust in the fellowship, and a reliance on spiritual principles—pillars that should stand firm, untethered by the complexities of external interests.
Serenity Vista is passionate about maintaining complete autonomy in order to provide optimum, personalized, holistic treatment devoid of competing interests. We have one single purpose: to help each person with personalized attention. We are not affiliated with or accept funding from any corporations, government programs, pharmaceutical interests, donors, or insurance companies.
In the quest for genuine recovery, the principle of autonomy acts as a guiding light. It reminds us that true healing stems from independent service, trust in the fellowship, and a reliance on spiritual principles—pillars that should stand firm, untethered by the complexities of external interests.
Our sole interest is in helping each individual who comes to Serenity Vista become free from addiction and learn to live a healthy, sober, joy filled life with peace of mind.
This both sets us apart as being very different from the norm. We are not a traditional rehab. Serenity Vista is fully autonomous and accepts no external funding. These principles ensures our unique client focus with singleness of purpose: to holistically help each individual become free from addiction and find a new fulfilling life in healthy recovery.
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