Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
You mayhearthe saying that the only outcome for those suffering from addiction is jail, institution, or death. That can notpossibly apply to you, can it? Chances are good that if you’re reading this post, that it does. Social drinkers or pot smokers are not engaging ininternet searches on terms like “addiction” or “rehab.”Please don’t click away: We’re not judging. Been there. Done that. We can answer your questions because we understand addiction.
Perhaps you’ve only just begun wondering if you’ve got a problem. You’re not sure because you don’t have any health problems or legal trouble – YET. (You’re eligible, too.) Or, maybe you don’t think your daily alcohol or drug habit is anything more than a little indulgence. You enjoy it on your own time. You deserve drinksbecause you work so hard. Unwinding needs some lubrication.
If the time has come that you need a drink more than you want it, you’ve crossed the line from social drinking to addiction.
However,when youcross the line between social drinking/smoking to addiction, the want for alcohol and drugs becomes a need. At this point you understand what we mean when we say Prison of Addiction.Your weekend marijuana use on Saturday and Sundaycreeps into Friday through Monday. You might bedealing with cravings. When you switch from vintage chardonnay to box wine, you might be flirting with compulsion. When you drink or use drugs for the effect rather than simply enjoying their taste and the healthy social aspect, you are most likely struggling with addiction.
You are already in jail; your addiction is the jailer withits incessant demands: You can’t leave the house without a drink, you can’t come home without stopping at the liquor store, you will not consider ________________ (you fill in the blank) without having a primer or two first. You are a prisoner of your own device, as the Eagles sang in Hotel California.Maybe you’re not a gutter drunk, but why go through life battling addiction? It always progresses when untreated. Help is available. You don't have to suffer more.We can help you break free from the chains that bind you. Let us show you the way. Contact us today!
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