Embrace Your Soul's Awakening at Serenity Vista: A Journey of Radical Recovery
Marking 10 years of successful operation, Serenity Vista is recognized as providing a unique world-class rehab program to hundreds of international clients seeking to transform their lives in beautiful Panama.
World's Best Rehab describes the evolution of Serenity Vista to be recognized as the Best Rehab in the Caribbean:
Serenity Vista Panama was founded in 2012 by Jane and John Derry, B.Sc. Phm., M.A. The Canadian couple sought to build a world-class rehabilitation center in the beautiful city of Boquete. Serenity Vista’s luxury rehab offers recovery programs for people from all over the globe who want to end their dependence on alcohol and drugs.
Their extremely effective holistic addiction treatment gets to the root of a resident’s problems with alcohol and drugs. The center was awarded Best Rehab in the Caribbean by World’s Best Rehab.
Unlike rehabs that treat a number of patients at one time, Serenity Vista has a low in-take number to work directly with individuals to help them end alcohol and drug misuse.
Serenity Vista is a five-star rehab that resembles a resort rather than an alcohol and drug recovery rehab center. Its location, staff, and world-class rehab program have helped hundreds of clients end the cycle of alcohol and drug abuse & other addictions over the past 10 years.
Full press release
We are full of gratitude and awe for this privilege of helping many people from around the world find hope and health from the devastion of alcoholism and other addiction. It is inspiring to see lives of amazing people transform, with renewal of health in body, mind & spirit.
Boquete, Panama, is a beautiful town in one of the world's most beautiful countries. We are grateful to have been warmly welcomed and to call Boquete home. Panama has warmly and graciously embraced the establishment and growth of Serenity Vista.
It is our honor to help hundreds of courageous people both locally from within Panama, and internationally, from North America and further abroad. It is truly inspirational to see lives transform to health and hope, with peace and joy in mind and heart.
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