Thanksgiving, Sobriety & Your Family
"I know that I need help to quit drinking, but…I have a lot of fears!" Here are the top 3 fears.
This one really makes sense. Many rehabs are full with people sent from the justice system - jail or treatment. Or addicts who have already hit the street, coming in for their 6 or 12th treatment stint. You don’t need to have the distraction from your own recovery by your fear of the other clients. Women's recovery retreats are different, just like accommodation choices while traveling. For example, there are youth hostels, budget motels, nice hotels, and 5-star resorts. Where do you fit? If you still have options, take them while you can!
In some facilities that counselors are just barely out of rehab themselves. They may not have the maturity and depth of understanding to be effective for your individual needs. Between the ‘fresh out of rehab’ working recruits and the aloof, intellectual and many degreed psychiatrists, there is a middle ground. The professionals you have direct contact with in treatment will make the difference between fear and recovery. Find a retreat based on compassion and integrity that meets you where you are.
Like it or not, there is still a stigma about alcoholism and drug addiction. Your recovery is your own business! There is always time to disclose later, but you once your business is public knowledge, there is no taking it back. Many people go to residential alcohol treatment where their insurance company dictates or to one reliant on government funds. These choices consequently create a paper/electronic trail that you have no control over. Choosing a private-pay, out of country facility for your women's recovery retreat ensures your confidentiality in every way.
Being afraid of going to a residential alcohol treatment makes sense. There is really a lot to be nervous about. One big example is that it is a big unknown. For one thing, you’ll have to stop drinking! But trust me, there is a lot more to be nervous about continuing to drink.Find the rehab that fits you the best – within reason! Looking for the ‘perfect’ rehab can cause extreme anxiety. Find one that speaks to you. In the research phase, you should be able to converse directly to a counselor, not an ‘intake person’ in a call center. Ask how many, and who the other guests will be, and where they come from. Ask about the recovery team. Vague answers and slick salesmanship are two big red flags. If you are looking for a women's recovery retreat, consider what's to offer in Panama.
Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama offers individualized care. The therapists are mature, compassionate and skillful. They aren’t just out of an online alcohol and drug course with a couple years of sobriety under their belts. Check our staff page to see who will be working with you.
Holistic in nature, your program will heal the body, heal the mind, heal the spirit. Come and find your freedom in Panama.
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