Thanksgiving, Sobriety & Your Family
Pretty much everyone knows what 'alcohol treatment' or ‘drug rehab’ addiction treatment means, and what the process is all about. Briefly: a person finally breaks through their denial, realizes that their life is out of control, seeks and accepts help, and goes through change in thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Addiction treatment is a life changing proposition. If the alcoholic or addict is prepared to go to any length to get and stay sober, the results are nothing less than miraculous. Not only freedom from the chains of addiction – BUT – a whole new life of infinite possibilities and an understanding of what peace of mind really means.The change is much deeper than just stopping drinking or using drugs. It's truly about life transformation. Unlike traditional institutional rehabs, we work passionately and intensely with each individual to facilitate this process. An indepth, comprehensive process of personal change. We’ve seen this miracle up close and personal through the process of our guests working through their program at Serenity Vista.This is your opportunity to experience the same level of in depth, personal whole life transformation. A complete holistic transformation of body, mind, and spirit.
When people are preparing to leave Serenity Vista treatment center, striding out with hope and conviction, we hear the comments over and over again, “Everyone should have this opportunity, not just addicts! “ We agree.What if you do not struggle with alcohol or other substance abuse? Where do you go when you are just ready to make a quantum leap out of your old life? Where do you turn, who do you ask for guidance?
There is no shortage of spiritual teachers out there, just browse your favorite online or hard copy book store. Beginning with the ancient Vedic scriptures of India right up to Wayne Dyer, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, or Abraham-Hicks, there are many paths to peace of mind. If you live in a well populated area, or are willing to travel, you can actually go sit at the feet of wisdom teachers. These gatherings are often referred to by Sanskrit names like satsung , or darshan. You can hear the teacher expound, or lecture and take questions from the audience. You can watch these online either after the fact or in a life streaming format. It is all great stuff!
After working in the addiction field for so many years, we know what makes the transformation in people real, meaningful, and stick. It is hard work too. We say, “You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone”. We have excellent, amazing literature from the 12 Step programs, but we have yet to meet anyone who had a spiritual awakening from the literature alone. Even someone who is reading the literature, and going to 12 Step meetings – they won’t get it unless they do the work.
And this work must be done with what in the program is called a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who can hold the light and the mirror for you while you are doing the hard, dark work of digging.The difference between a spiritual community and a 12 step program like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is that AA has closed all the loopholes. The work must be done, and spiritual platitudes like ‘forgive your enemies’ aren’t just fluffy ideals. Within the Twelve Step work there are hard and fast, tried and true guidelines and formulas for facing the past, clearing up the wreckage, and then moving forward with peace of mind into the light.
Our combined 50 + years of working with alcoholics and addicts have given us an unique set of tools to work with people who desire a transformation in life. We call this transformation a Spiritual Awakening. It is a promise given in the 12 steps, that, if you do the work, you will transform. We have seen it many times in those that are prepared to 'go to any length'.
Meditating , doing yoga, changing your diet, journaling, drawing, exploring – these are adjuncts to the real transformational work that is available in an intensive 30 to 90 day retreat like those offered at Serenity Vista in Panama.
Panama! It is a gorgeous tropical and very safe country right in the center of Central America. Our facility is in the mountain highlands, at the base of the cloud forests that connect Panama with Costa Rica. Our Boquete community is filled with small shaded coffee farms, brilliant bougainvilleas and hibiscus, bird song and colorful indigenous locals, famous for being some of the happiest people in the world. If this sounds like the type of transformation you are looking for, please contact us. We are happy to discuss your unique and individual needs. We have seen and heard it all, and we know how to help you find your questions, solutions and the answers. They are rooted in love and spiritual principles, accountability and informed guidance.
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