Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Serenity Vista was thrilled to receivethis post rehab testimonial review message from a former guest. Nothing makes us happier than this. Addiction does NOT have to be a fatal disease. It can be arrested and transformed from defeat into victory. Serenity Vista provides life transforming rehab retreat experiences. This letter is testimony that in fact lives do transform, and offers hope that your life can change too!
Hello John! It's good to see you're still going strong with Serenity Vista.
You truly changed my life in so many positive ways. No, that's not true. I changed my life in so many ways but YOU gave me the guidance and support I needed to succeed. I can't thank you enough.
I'll be honest and tell you that it has been a struggle but with the tools you gave me, I have been able to carry on. I celebrated another 1st birthday on December 22nd and am doing very well.
I've been lucky enough to stay working in this horrendous economy with the help of my higher power and positive thinking. Tough times don't last, tough people do. I think the word 'strong' may be more appropriate but it just wouldn't sound as good lol.
I hope you, Jane and the rest of your caring colleagues are doing well and are continuing to do God's work by touching lives and inspiring people like myself to believe anything is possible with hard work.
Have a great day and hope to hear back from you.
L.M. Alberta, Canada
Millions of people get and stay sober, one day at a time. It is simple, but not easy. Every single sober alcoholic/clean addict is a miracle. And miracles happen at Serenity Vista every day. L.M. is an example of the powerof recovery. You too can 'believe anything is possible'. We would be honored to help you or loved one achieve freedom from addiction and transform your life in magnificent and miraculous ways.
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