Thanksgiving, Sobriety & Your Family
Addictions take time to form - and time to resolve. That's why we offer 90 days extended treatment programs.
People that commit to, and complete full 90 day extended treatment programs, really see a complete transformation in their lives. These people have time to integrate what they are learning, for it to become part of who they are. Recovery is not an intellectual exercise. Heart learning takes longer. ~ John Derry
When did you become an addict? Do you remember the day it happened? Like many alcoholics & addicts, struggling daily and living from one relapse to another, probably not. You are unable to trace the roots of your addiction back to a single event. Instead, addictive behavior creates and solidifies patterns over long stretches of time.
It is like a canyon widening and deepening for millennia. The forces of storms, water, and wind, carve out our addictions. Consequently, years of thought patterns, belief systems, choices, emotions such as guilt & pain, and behavior patterns harden. One poor and often innocent choice leads to another. And then, yet another. Until over time, a habit emerges. Add to that alcohol, other drugs, smoking, unhealthy sex, gambling, and other impulsive behavior. In short order, these repeated patterns can establish a painful and eventually iron-clad path: the long and lonely road of addiction.
Many who suffer from addiction journey on to discover the road to recovery. Few people, however, have found the true trail to real freedom. For many addicts, relapse into repeating abuse is the all-too-familiar inevitability. Failing to recognize addictions develop over a long time happens. The evolution is a gradual, cause-and-effect processes. We likewise fail to devote a proportional amount of time necessary to for recovery to correct and overcome these patterns. To establish new, healthy thought, feeling and behavior patterns that are life-enhancing. We forget that is active addiction, every moment spent in it is a reinforcement. Recovery is, therefore, a process that can take considerable time for lasting effect. 90 Day extended treatment programs allow for this time.
Time is not the only invisible force mounted against us in our struggle to be free. An addict's daily experiences also betray him or her. Habit ingrains habit. When every day we wake up and have a drink, or a smoke, or get our fix otherwise, the simple act of waking up becomes the trigger. This is true anytime we indulge or give in to our vices. Whether it's done while working, walking, driving, or spending time with friends and family matters not. They all become triggers. Addiction is persistent and rife in the life of an addict. Over time and through repetition, it seeps into every fiber of our being. In every sense the addiction defines us. It is pervasive and feeds on our experiences.
But the same forces that we see seemingly stacked against us - the forces of time and experience - can also be our greatest allies. A who is truly recovering will not tell you about the one particular day he or she suddenly recovered. Instead, you are likely to hear that to reach true freedom, it took time and experience.That story is common to all who have committed to long-term extended treatment and fully recovered from addiction. It could be your story or a loved one's story, if the current tale is one of drug abuse, addiction, and past failures or multiple relapses with conventional rehab programs.
At Serenity Vista, our programs are different - and that's why they work. Our 90-day treatment programs offer a life-transforming opportunity. We value the power of positive habits. We afford our guests a meaningful, mindful, and experiential recovery opportunity.
You will love our privately-owned, beautiful rehabilitation retreat in Panama. We know that treating an all-pervasive addiction requires a whole life, holistic approach. Therefore we offer a 360-degree life-transforming experience like no other.
We understand that time is an essential element of transformation. We provide individualized, long-stay programs including 70-day and 90-day extended treatment programs.
And Serenity Vista offers you one of the leading, highly rated rehab programs in the world.
Time, as it's been said, waits for no one. Eventually, everyone stops drinking or using. It's best to stop while you are still breathing. It's your time for real life change. If you're tired of spending time in an endless cycle of addiction, relapse, and pain, learn about our recovery paradise in Panama and your path freedom.
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