Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Where’s the best place to go for quality alcohol and drug addiction holistic rehab? If you’re struggling with addiction, you’re probably considering how drug rehab can help you. And it’s true—drug rehab is the best option to combat the insidious hold that drug addiction can have on your life. But if you’re ready to check yourself into drug rehab, you should think twice before entering a facility that’s in your own town. For one thing, you’ll waste an opportunity to travel. And, as we’ll see, travel can be very beneficial for drug rehab and recovery. Click here to learn more about how addiction impacts your health.
Are you surrounded by people who tempt you to use drugs? Do your friends, or even your family, encourage you to get high? Unfortunately, many people are surrounded by temptation, whether it comes from people they know or simply from their environment. But by changing your scenery, and traveling to go to rehab, you can remove yourself from that temptation entirely. You’ll be free from the things that pull you into drug addiction, and you can center yourself away from bad influences. Click here to learn more about overcoming temptation.
Have you ever thought about rehab as a vacation? It might sound strange, but it makes total sense—especially when you think about the level of quality that exists at Serenity Vista, with our amazing luxury rehab. Luxury rehab includes things like weekly spa visits, massages, a gym, delicious healthy food, and a gym where you can focus on your bodily health even as you improve your spiritual health with recovery from drug addiction. And you’ll be doing it all in the Caribbean paradise of Panama, where you can wander our grounds and see the diverse plant species that characterize the tropical setting. And you can have this vacation-style rehab for much less than the cost of basic rehab in the US or Canada!
There is no better time to go to rehab for alcohol or drug addiction than NOW. If the thought has crossed your mind that perhaps you need help, then you need help. Non alcoholics never wonder if they have a drinking problem. If you think you have a drinking problem, you have a drinking problem. Most people in that situation contemplate getting help at some point, but find all kinds of reasons why now is not the right time. Work commitments. Family responsibilities. Social engagements. Special occasions and family events. We hear concerns such as "who will look after the dog?", or "my children need me", and even "summer is coming and I need to look after the garden and cut the grass". You get the picture. A million reasons to put it off.
Here's the news. Left untreated, alcoholism and other forms of addiction ALWAYS gets worse. It may seem minor to have a second DUI, or to end up in an argument with your spouse over your drinking. Especially if you have two cars in the garage, a good job, and good looking kids. But slowly and surely, everything that is important in life, including life itself, will erode. Don't wait for the 'yets' to happen. It can be arrested now. Your alcoholism can be put in remission, and you can live a healthy, happy life. One of our sayings is "you don't need to take the garbage truck all the way to the dump". You can get off anytime. So, when is the best time to go to rehab? Now!
Where should I go for the best holistic rehab? Serenity Vista offers you an amazing high-quality, high-value personalized, compassionate rehab experience. We accept a maximum of 4 guests during covid, which means you will have individual attention that will help you the most. You’ll feel like you’re on a vacation, as you stay far away from your routine and the temptations that might pull you back into addiction. Yes, there is serious work to do, at times intensive. You will be challenged to explore aspects of your life and how you relate to self, others and life itself. You will change at your core. All balanced with healthy living, fun, recreation, and socializing. Just like a healthy life can be!
A retreat experience that feels like a holiday. But reaps dividends for life. Life transformation to a new life of sobriety with peace of mind and heart.
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