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What can I do if a friend or loved one is struggling with heroin addiction? Heroin is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous drugs in the United States and Canada, and addiction rates are rising. Many people are coming to heroin addiction through the abuse of prescription drugs, which are often made with related painkiller ingredients that work in similar ways as heroin. If your friend or loved one is struggling with heroin abuse or addiction, it can be difficult to know what to do. But by recognizing the warning signs and remembering what to do in that situation, you can be better prepared for helping a loved one with opioid addiction. Click here to learn more general tips to help a loved one through addiction.
If you suspect that your friend or loved one is struggling with opiate abuse, there are some warning signs you should keep in mind. Have they lost or gained a lot of weight quickly? Have they lost interest in the things that they used to love to do? Are they exhibiting erratic and sometimes irrational behavior? Phases of euphoria alternating with drowsiness and nodding off? Those can all be examples of warning signs of drug addiction. But the main warning sign is if their drug usage is interfering with their life, and having a negative impact on your relationship. Are their finances impacted? Have they been unable to do things that they normally would? Think about all the negative effects that heroin addiction is causing for your loved one—you can help them to break through their denial, face the reality of what is happening, and work through it and make progress toward recovery.
How can I help with narcotic addiction? First, when you are sure they are clean and sober, approach them with your concerns. Make sure that you make it clear to your loved one that you’re there to support them, but it is up to them to accept help if they want it. Don’t come across as judgmental or angry. Approach them gently, but be firm about objectively describing what behavior you have observed, how you feel seeing this, how it impacts on you, and what your hope is for them to accept help. Once they know you’re there to help them, then you can talk to them about drug addiction treatment. With the right course of rehab, your loved one can get past heroin addiction and work toward recovery. Click here to learn more about how you can help a loved one with heroin addiction.
Where can my loved one go for good rehab? Serenity Vista offers the highest quality of care at the best value. Our luxury rehab costs roughly 1/3 of basic rehab in the US or Canada. Click here to learn more our fees.
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