Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Serenity Vista was developed and continues to operated by healthcare professionals from Canada. The Founding Director, John Derry, born & raised in Sarnia, Ontario, developed a passion for helping people suffering from addiction through a distinguished career in clinical pharmacy, medical information, and drug safety in Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver BC.
Following addiction graduate study at Hazelden in Minessota (now Hazelden Betty Ford), Panama was carefully chosen as the perfect location to develop Serenity Vista Alcohol & Drug Rehab. Boquete, Panama was unique in meeting all important characteristics: stable, safe, developed country and governance, democratic, warm climate, retreat-like setting, abundance of nature, tropical beauty, easy international access, a vacation destination, and relatively high value for the dollar.After years of successful operation, and a high percentage of guests continuing to come for help from Canada, it is clear that the choice of Panama was a solid one. We are always happy to hear from people in Canada looking to get away for help.
As Canadians with a passion to help people like you, we look forward to welcoming you and treating you like guests in our home. Canadian down home friendly hospitality in a beautiful tropical setting, with professional expertise and depth of experience to help you achieve life long sobriety and serenity of mind.
When you’re suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction in Canada, you can feel hopeless or alone. But remember that you’re not alone. Countless people are struggling with drug abuse in Canada, including 42% of young Canadians who said that they’ve tried some sort of substance in the past year.
The abuse of drugs in Canada is becoming increasingly unmanageable, from illegal drugs like meth, cocaine, heroin, PCP, and Molly, to abused prescription painkillers such as Percocet, Vicodin, or OxyContin. Fentanyl narcotic addiction has become epidemic, particularly in, but not limited to, British Columbia, Toronto, Ontario, and Calgary, Alberta, with fatalaties doubling every year. According to Toronto's Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), the death rate from mental and substance use disorders in Canada increased by 11 per cent from 2006 to 2016, and Canadian life expectancy is on the decline.
But if you’re one of the countless people suffering from Canadian drug addiction, don’t give up hope. You can get the help you need to overcome addiction with the right course of drug treatment at a high-quality drug rehab center. We would be honoured to help you.
What is the alcohol & drug problem like in Canada? In many ways, Canadian drug addiction mirrors American alcoholism and drug addiction. And right now, a broad shift is taking place in alcoholism and drug addiction in both Canada and the United States.
In addition to long standing addiction problems with alcohol abuse, smoking tobacco, and use of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine, other drugs are quickly becoming serious problems including prescription painkillers, such as Percocet, Vicodin, or OxyContin. These drugs are popular because they’re opioids, just like heroin, and they provide a similar intense high and feeling of euphoria.
But, unfortunately, they’re also highly addictive. And not only that, but there highly dangerous, too. Prescription drugs are involved in half of all fatal drug overdoses each year. And prescription drug addiction is leading to higher rates of heroin abuse as well.
What can I do to fight Canadian alcoholism, drug and other forms of addiction? Remember that you’re not alone when it comes to drug abuse, alcohol & drug addiction, and other addiction in Canada. What is the best Canada rehab center?
Whether you live in British Columbia (BC), Alberta (such as Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray), or further east in Ontario (e.g. Toronto, Ottawa, London, Sarnia) or the Maritimes (e.g. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI), alcoholism, drug addiction, and other addiction, including codependency, are serious problems. Alcoholism and other addictionis a disease, one that affects millions of Canadians and Americans per year.
But just like them, you don’t have to suffer alone. The right course of drug addiction rehab treatment can help you overcome your addiction, get past withdrawal symptoms, plan for relapse, and change your life for good. But, interestingly enough, the best choice for Canadian drug & alcohol rehab might not be found in Canada itself!
Where can I go for a high quality alcohol & drug rehab treatment center in Canada? When you’re searching for the best in Canadian rehab, don’t limit yourself to just Canada. Choosing the right location to get away to can have a big impact on the quality of addiction recovery you experience. You can get higher quality at a much greater value by going abroad for private rehab.
Here at Serenity Vista, we offer you the highest quality luxury rehab at a price that’s unbelievable. In fact, our private holistic drug addiction rehab treatment is roughly 1/3 the price of just basic drug rehab in the US or Canada.
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