• Unhappy or discontented?
• Having difficulties in your marriage or other relationships?
• Feeling stuck?
• Trapped in your work?
• Feeling lonely or misunderstood?
• Full of grief or sorrow?
• Angry or resentful for past hurts?
• Worried about what tomorrow may bring?
If you have struggled with alcohol, other drugs or addictions, or feeling stuck in a stressful, unhappy pattern of life, perhaps having difficulty maintaining sobriety, and want help, we’re not just another alcohol or drug rehab treatment center, we are a special place where you can learn how to live a new life in recovery and find hope.
You have likely made many valiant attempts to stop. You know how to stop drinking or using…it’s staying stopped and dealing with life on life’s terms that has been difficult.
You will learn about the disease concept of addiction, and more importantly, how to work a program of recovery that works for you, to bring you not only sobriety, but peace of mind and joy. We will teach you basic concepts and steps of recovery. You will learn concepts such as how to practice acceptance, gratitude, forgiveness, responsibility, mindfulness, and much more. But more than just learning concepts, you will have daily application of putting recovery principles into practice. By the time you leave Serenity Vista, you will not only have learned new ideas, you will have developed new life living skills. Skills of how to live loving life on life’s terms. You will learn that we have little control over what life presents, but we do over how we react and the choices we make.
You will experience miraculous changes in your life starting early in your program with us. Through our holistic rehabilitation techniques, you will begin to feel on top of the world. You will have the best sleeps of your life. Your energy, passion, and strength will return. You will feel lighter, stronger, happier, and more optimistic. You will learn new living and communication skills, and experience renewed relationships in your family. By the completion of your program, you will have a never-before experienced optimism and excitement about your new, dynamic life, career direction, and family.
The usual core program at Serenity Vista Addiction Retreat in Panama is 45 days. There are also longer durations of 60 and 90 days. The longer the duration in our primary holistic rehabilitation, the greater the likelihood of you effecting lifelong change. The longer you immerse yourself in a new way of being, behaving, and feeling, the more your new learnings become a part of who you are in life in recovery as opposed to something you learned about.
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