Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
When fully felt and behavior is respectful, emotions are powerful forces of discovery. But when mixed with substance abuse, a loss of emotional control is destructive. Anger management in drug rehab is an important part of addiction recovery in comprehensive, holistic, individualized treatment.
Feelings are a normal and healthy part of the human experience of life and serve as a guide to safe, healthy living. For many different reasons, through a long process of altering feelings through alcohol, other drug use, or other behaviors, the perception and sensitivity of feelings become altered and numbed. There becomes a desensitization to feelings serving as a healthy biological and sociological guide.
Addiction becomes a failing attempt to modulate desired feelings and avoid undesired or 'bad' feelings. Anger usually falls into the latter category. Addiction, then, is a disease of feelings. In this oversimplified conceptualization of addiction, recovery, then, becomes a process of getting back in touch with feelings and allowing them to become a healthy guide again.
Anger management in drug rehab at Serenity Vista is an important part of the recovery process of the whole person.
Getting in touch with feelings such as happy, content and joyous is pleasurable and reinforcing of the recovery process. But who wants to 'get in touch' with feelings of anger. Unlike many therapies and indeed rehabilitation centers that see anger as a 'bad feeling' that must be 'controlled', Serenity Vista is of the strong opinion that anger is just another primary feeling. A feeling that should be paid attention to. Like all feelings, a guide to living, in this case, a guide to something that needs attention, like a red warning light on a car dashboard.
The warning light is not 'bad', it simply serves as a warning, that some action may be required.But any feeling, when ignored or stifled, only builds. Try ignoring feeling tired when you are driving a car. You might be able to for a while, helped with loud music, open windows, or various other distractions.
But if ignored too long and not heeded, the driver will be overcome with tiredness, and fall asleep at the wheel and crash. Anger is the same. When ignored too long, it simply builds and builds, like steam in a pressure cooker, and the day, or moment will come when the pressure blows. This type of explosive angry behavior can be damaging to self, others and relationships. It is damaging to the entire recovery process.
At Serenity Vista, we teach: "Feel your Feelings : Choose Your Behavior". In this case, get back in touch with feeling all feelings, including anger, but find healthy, respectful ways to release and process these feelings. To always be respectful to self and others, even when sharing feeling the feeling of anger.
Feel the anger. Find respectful and appropriate ways to process & release it.
Addicts in recovery are extremely susceptible to anger. It is one of the least understood, most avoided, and most destructive feeling. When set off by bouts of uncontrollable anger, alcoholics - addicts will often turn to substances in an effort to quiet the fire inside. While drugs or alcohol might provide artificial and short-term relief, those affected by alcoholism or other drug addiction get frustrated when they realize they failed - yet again - to overcome their addictive impulses.
This frustration in turn will swell to greater levels of suppressed anger - and the destructive cycle repeats.Many people associate anger with cartoon images, violent outbursts or fiery shouts with eyebrows bending inward. While many people do act out by expressing anger this way, not all anger is obvious. Some people hold their anger in. Ignore or suppress it. Instead of expressing it, they seethe and suffer in private. This is especially true of people suffering from addiction. Instead of drawing attention to themselves with dramatic acts of rage, angry addicts often withdrawal into lonely, deep, and dangerous periods of depression, drug and alcohol abuse.People who live with chronic anger will point to a variety of external sources, from past abuses in childhood to rejections or soured relationships later.
Others may look back and blame personal failures, regrets, guilt, and other internal experiences as causes of their anger. But in reality, the causes are always internal reactions.Just as the perceived sources of anger are varied, so are its results. Uncontrolled angry outbursts spreads like wildfire, burning and scaring everything in its path. When someone lives with chronic anger, everyone around them gets caught in the blaze.
It affects everyone without bias.Children caught in the fallout of uncontrollable and angry parents often grow up to be very angry themselves. They too will often turn to substance abuse to quell their tempers, spinning the destructive cycle further into future generations. Spouses, co-workers, and friends, each in their own painful way, are also habitually hurt by a loved one's anger.
Whether overt outbursts or passive aggression, the results are equally destructive.Siddhartha Gautama taught that "holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
With this timeless wisdom we see that while anger hurts others, ultimately the people who suffer from it most are the angry ones themselves.
Because unhealthy anger and its damaging manifestations are common in addiction, we treat it along with all feelings as part of holistic healing. In anger management in drug rehab we recognize anger as a feeling. We explore healthy ways to identify what it is about, what it is pointing to, and how to release it in ways that are respectful and foster healing and building of relationships. Recognizing there are many types, causes and manifestations of anger, each deeply personal and different from the next, we focus on providing highly-individualized recovery options.
Our unique extended-stay treatment programs are designed to thoroughly identify and reconnect with all feelings, including anger. Guests find healthy ways to release anger so that it stops being a destructive force in their lives.
When anger is felt, and release, then you are free. And what better place than tropical Panama to cast off anger and start the journey?
Are you ready for real change? Are you wanting to release anger and be loving and respectful in all of your relationships?
Contact Serenity Vista to see how it can benefit you to be happy, joyous and free. It makes good sense, and it makes for an excellent recovery where your life will transform in amazing ways.
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