Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Making the decision to get the help you need to treat your addiction is NOT EASY. We understand. Drug rehab fear makes sense. It is never a 'great day in the morning', full of smiles and sunshine when you are contacting rehab. Inquiring about availability and details for your drug addiction treatment does not trip easily across the tongue. There may have been some dramatic humiliating event, or just one more sick and hungover morning too many.
It is amazing really, but not really, how many people decide to get the help they need for addiction treatment, but don't follow through with the commitmentto treat theiralcoholism or nicotine or other drug addiction. More often than not, before 24 hours is up, people willhave second guessed themselves right back into drinking or using. Or - the famous, "I can do it on my own" after beingsober again for a few days. If this sounds familiar, pay attention! Alcoholism and other forms of addiction will pull out all the stops, do back-flips and lock the doors and windows from the inside. Addiction does NOT want you to get healthy. Addiction thrives on fear, and will spoon feed you a maintenance dose all through the day, and big glasses full at night. Especially if you are considering treatment.
Your biggest defense against the tricks of your ego and your disease is just to be aware of them. Expect doubts, expect reasons not to commit to show up. Expect your ‘biggest supporters’ to tell you don’t need help, or you need a different type of ‘not so dramatic’ help. When you know what the strategies of the ego are, you will recognize them for what they are. They are phantoms of your mind, trying to keep you sick.When you have the willingness to get help – act immediately. Even when you know the tactics of the ego, they can be difficult to withstand. People are always encouraged to make their commitment to rehab quickly, before it is too late. And we really do mean too late – because addiction kills. There may not be another opportunity. There is a fine line for those on the front lines of the treatment center telephone calls - the balance between being pushy to make the commitment, and the respect to let people make their own conclusions when they are ready. The sad truth is, sometimes the 'ready' stage only lasts an hour or so.
The good news is, that if you are considering treatment, that means that a big part of your spirit is acting on your behalf. This is the part of you that wants to sing, dance, plant flowers, enjoy life, drink coffee and love. Listen to your heart. Get the help you need. Give us a call, we are here to talk:786-245-4067.
Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there.
We know that drug rehab is no vacation. It is hard work! Facing drug rehab fear takes courage. But, if you are going to drug rehab addiction treatment, you do have choices. If white coats, cafeteria lines, dorm rooms and bunkbeds sound appealing - well, you won't find any of that at Serenity Vista Recovery Retreat Residential Addiction Facility. You will find an amazing paradise in the mountains of Boquete, Panama. Excellent, fresh tropical foods, warm, loving and empathetic staff that really care. I mean, they really care!! And of course then there is the Chocolate Labrador RetrieverDog, Ceiba. She teaches us all how to live in the moment with mindfulness and good humor.If you think you have a problem with alcohol, drugs or other addictions, contact us for more information today. There will never be a better time. Addictionnever gets better on it's own. Travelling to Serenity Vista offers many advantages to your recovery and is exciting.When you make your decision to get help, the process is easy and admission can be very quick. We understand you may befacing drug rehab fear. We will answer your questions, reassure you, and walk you through every step of the way.
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