Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Do you find yourself in the snare of addiction? If so, you know the routine as onlyother alcoholics and addicts do.You wake up, shake off the guilt, and go about your day. "Today is different," you say. You look back over the past days, months, and years of destructive behavior and negative consequences, and commit firmly to quitting. Whatever it is - smoking, gambling, drugs, drinking, pornography - whatever your addiction, you tell yourself it's merely yesterday's struggle. You move ahead confidently. Today, you'll finally kick your 'habit'.
But as the day goes on, you grow uneasy. First doubt, then fear, and finally the fiend sets in. Like claws pulling, you feel the increasing grip of addiction. By evening, provided you've made it that far, you're exhausted. Anxiety rides your chest like a bull breaking. You think only of getting thatrelief, thatfix.You're on edge as a wrecking ball. And you're swinging toward disaster.Finally, you succumb. You go to that bottle. You ready the needle. You buy your pack ofsmokes. Whatever it is, you're back at it.Hours escape into dark and familiar places. You're too busy indulging to recognize it as active addiction or relapse. You're all in and yet you totally check out.This is the grip of addiction.
Does this sound familiar? Think before you answer. Look deep and be honest. Recognize that alcoholics and addicts build elaborate scaffolding around their lives. Every thought is supported by justification, rationale, denial and point-blank lies.Recall that today began with a myth. You tellyourself, like many times before, you will quit. You believe it. But it was bound to fail. It always does. Perhaps you can stop for a day, a week, a month. But at some point, you find yourself starting again. Stopping is easy. It's staying stopped that is the hard part. Cunning, baffling, and powerful.If you're reading and still have doubt that you're in the grip of addiction, consider this. Do youhide your compulsive behavior? Have you ever been confronted about it and lied? Do youever look in the mirror in remorse for indulging? How long has addiction been consuming your life? And when was the last time you felt free?This isn't a guilt trip. If you're in active addictionof any sort, a blog post can't match the guilt you already carry.
This is a wake up call.This is a bright and bold beacon shining in the darkness.But there's a stronger signal calling. The voices of doubt and resignation are pulling you from the light. This is the grip of addiction - and it's as cunning as it is firm. With claws set deep, it is warning you right now to turn back toward the darkness. "It's safe in the dark - for here no one will see you."It promises false respite. It poisons the mind and makes the soul fear light. It destroys. It lies. And it will convince you.But don't believe it. Break the grip. You can't do it on your own - but you can do it. Serenity Vista can help. We will empower you to loosen the grasp of addiction, and help you achieve freedom from addiction. To find healthy balance in your life, to live life on life's terms. To be at peace with yourself and others. To love life again.In place of the claw, we offer an open hand.
Let us help you achieve freedom from the grip of addiction.
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