Thanksgiving Gratitude: Discovering Renewal and Freedom at Serenity Vista
Recovering from an alcohol, nicotine or other drug addiction is not easy. In 12 Step rooms you will hear that the program is simple, but not easy. A life time of drinking alcohol or using other drugs to cover up feelings and cope with reality makes living life on life's terms a brand new skill. One of the tools you can learn about in the 12 Step fellowships, or in a good alcohol recovery facility is the concept that nothing lasts forever. Buddhist's call it the transient nature of life. Nothing lasts; the only thing that is constant is change.
So, how does a slogan like "This too shall pass" help you in recovery? Well, often people can just plain feel overwhelmed with what life is delivering at any given moment. The unexpected twists that we don't plan on can be hard to take. Like the pretty yellow begonia in the picture, the snow sure looks out of place. But is it really? And it is easy to see that it won't last.If you are looking for new tools for your tool kit of recovery, and a safe, beautiful place to practice using them in, consider private-pay, holistic, international treatment. You deserve all the help you can get to be prepared for a new life of sobriety. Consider Serenity Vista in Panama. You will not only get clean and sober, but you will learn new life living skills to help you stay sober and live with peace, joy and serenity. And it is pretty unlikely that you will encounter snow here in the tropics.
Serenity Vista has excellent fresh foods, tropical fruits, spring-like mountain weather and amazing grounds to enjoy the flowers and birds in. Locally grown coffee and no pollution make Boquete a wonderful place for an alcohol and drug recovery center. Learn more.
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