Embrace Your Soul's Awakening at Serenity Vista: A Journey of Radical Recovery
Would you rather be right or happy? This seems like a crazy question at first doesn't it? But is a remarkably deep question. Most people emphatically answer "Both!" And they believe they are right.
The truth is, you can't be both. Think about the many arguments that you have had, or may be actively embroiled in. Most codependents, addicts and other spiritually unwell people will attempt to prove their 'rightness' right into the grave.
When everything changes in recovery, so does the need to 'save face' and be right at any cost. A person who learns to work their steps and live by spiritual principles will choose peace-of-mind and serenity, and thus emotional /physical sobriety over all else.
Ask yourself, "Is this worth losing my serenity or getting drunk over? Is this worth dying over?" That is the bottom line for codependents and addicts in recovery.
Let someone else take on the world. In recovery we believe in keeping our own side of the street clean and know that "what other people think about us in not our business".
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