Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Misery loves company. The same is true of addiction. Surrounding yourself with other people who are using and abusing substances and engaging in unhealthy behavior, creates more opportunity for denial; "I'm not as bad as those guys". In contrast, addiction recovery fellowship fosters connection and healing. Many addicts fail to make progress in recovery because they are unable or unwilling to severe ties even when the relationships they’re in are unhealthy. They're afraid of being judged by their current circle of friends, drinking buddies, fellow party-goes, business associates, customers, club or bar pals, and other enablers.
When standing at the edge of a major change, it's only natural to be afraid, whether of the unknown or of being lonely. This is why in the early stages of recovery, many alcoholics and addicts routinely turn back and seek familiarity and comfort in the company of fellow addicts. It’s a vicious cycle.And as the cycle spins downward, loneliness, isolation, sadness, depression and isolation set in.
Isolation becomes a hallmark of the progression of addiction; being 'a part from' others.
Enablers accept the addiction. They accept the person affected by addiction in their present state, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But the problem is that enablers usually refuse to accept or view the individual other than an 'addict', and tend to perpetuate that view through their interactions.
People early inrecovery are often stunned to learn that their enabling relationships may be their biggest challenges to overcome and detach from. The loved ones of the alcoholic/addict are rarely able to be the best supporters of recovery. Without realizing it, they areoften the biggest sabotagers.
If the loved ones don't begin their own process of change and recovery, for example through the fellowship of Alanon, they will pull the addict back into the same dance.
Often during the first steps toward recovery, some enablers more overtly heckle recovery efforts, while others may use guilt or accusations of abandonment. Sadly, in some cases, fearing that their own unhealthy lifestyles may be undermined or exposed, even our closest associates or so-called friends will go so far as to actually sabotage their 'friend' attempting recovery. For them, another's addiction is their convenience.
This is why crossing over from addiction to recovery is terrifying for so many in the beginning. We've treated addiction for many years and know that many people fear failure - but many also fear success. They fear break through because it represents change. It often means leaving behind dysfunctional relationships. For many addicts, it means changing social circles and casting off decades-old identities. In adolescence, the bad boys and popular party girls tend to be idolized.
Years later, broken, desperate, and awash in addiction, the addict entering recovery finally comes to see that the cool kids aren't really that cool at all. In recovery the true nature of such relationships become clear enough to begin the process of reclaiming one's true identity and sense of spiritual connection.
But as any addict knows, getting there is difficult and scary.
At Serenity Vista, a holistic recovery retreat in Panama, we offer the exact kind of support that anyone affected by addiction, loneliness or relationship issues need in the early stages of recovery. As a step out of the darkness of addiction, we offer a safe place to start to be 'a part of'. Our amazing staff are compassionate and eager to connect with guests one-on-one as they work through the steps of recovery. Fully aware of the anxieties that many drug addicts, alcoholics and codependents experience in early recovery, we take them by the hand and guide them as they cross over, one day at a time. Everyone needs a support network. This is especially true of men and women in recovery.
At Serenity Vista, we encourage fellowship as an integral part of healing and recovery. Equally important as our highly empathetic and trained professional staff, our guests find lasting fellowship in our dynamic recovery community full of new friends who share experiences and support each other. Healing deepens with exploration of spirituality and connection with a higher power other than self. For recovering addicts, that life begins at Serenity Vista.
Our guests are surrounded by people who care, and people who can relate to their unique struggles. We also know that the same social desires for acceptance that anchor us in addiction can be equally powerful forces for recovery. When we step over the line of addiction, into the brave new world of discovery and recovery, we find allies and like minds on the other side.
By casting off those familiar but harmful friends and acquaintances, we create room in our lives for new ones.
If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol or drug substance abuse or other form of addiction or codependency, isn't it time to cross over? Isn't it time to finally kick the destructive habits and cast off the unhealthy relationships holding you back from discovering your true self?
At Serenity Vista, we believe in serendipity and miracles. We foster a whole life integrated experience within the context of a fun, respectful and nurturing fellowship- truly a life transformative experience. When someone is on the right path to recovery, miracles do happen.
New friends emerge. New opportunities arise. We've seen this repeatedly. Trust in miracles, whatever your spiritual belief happens to be, and cross over to the other side of addiction.
Be brave and trust us to help you take your first steps.
We respect that it is a leap of faith.
Be bold, and unseen forces will come to your aid. - Basil King
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