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Challenging as it may seem, you can still have fun sober - even when yougo out to events, parties and at the weekend. It’s a matter of re-learning how to have fun without drugs or alcohol and re-creating a new fulfilling lifethat you truly enjoy. This can seem boring or daunting at first because somany social activities revolve around alcohol in our society. In the beginning,it’s perfectly normal to have pulls on your mind that entice you to go back toold habits.
The good news is that you can have way more fun sober if you get creative and explore all of the options that life hasto offer. Being sober, we can enjoy a wide variety of activities and remembereverything that happened. Often people feel that they don’t know what to do ifthey don’t smoke, take drugs or drink alcohol.
Related: High-Functioning Alcoholism and the Dangers of Denial
Making the choice to live a sober life can be one of the most rewardingchoices you'll make. But it’s not necessarily easy, earlysobriety comes with its struggles. Normally people use drugs or alcohol to dealwith unresolved pain. You’ll need a new healthy outlet to replace drugs and/ oralcohol.
In this article we’ll explore 9 ways to have fun sober, let’s dive in:
When drinking or using drugs in active addiction, the brain gets floodedwith dopamine (the feel-good hormone). That’s one of the reasons that the cycleof addiction is so difficult to break. Thankfully there are a lot of otherhealthy ways that we can encourage our brains to feel good and make dopamine -exercise is one of them. Exercise literally protects and rewires the brain.
Shifting focus from you to helping others can be a rewarding activity. Being a sober person, you can drive, and help your friends and family.Helping others has been scientifically proven to promote positive behavior, giving us a sense of purpose and making us happy. Plus,altruism is contagious, when people see you volunteering or helping others thenthey are more likely to do the same.
Whether you enjoy hiking up mountains, a gentle stroll in the woods ortime by the ocean, spending time outside is great for your overall health. In a study that covered 20 countries, researchers found that spendingtime in nature promotes healthy sleep and reduces the risk for type 2diabetes. Time in nature also reduces blood pressure and salivary cortisol (amarker for stress). With many people turning to drugs and alcohol to relieve stress, time in nature might justbe the perfect activity to enjoy, and it's FREE.
Giving up drugs and alcohol will free up a lot of time, which can be agood thing. Youcan use this time to enhance your life by pursing a passion or taking up ahobby. Take that woodworking class you’ve always thought about, learn to flyfish, take tennis lessons, learn pottery, take up photography, join a choir, joina hiking group, or take art classes. The possibilities are endless. Recoveryfrom addiction means freedom. Freedom to choose the life you wish. Explore newpossibilities and pursue passions that brighten your day.
When people are sober, they can be fully present in the moment. Oftenpeople who use drugs continually think about the next drink or hit they aregoing to get, meaning their mind wanders, which can make time with familydisconnected. Drugs and alcohol steals your time. Being fully presentandfocusing on the lives and needs of your loved ones is only possible when you’resober. Time is the most precious thing you have, and in sobriety, thegreatest gift to your loved ones.
Related: Detoxification—How Do I Detox from Drugs?
Drugs andalcohol impair the brain - however, these effects can normally be reversed withhealthy lifestyle choices. Instead of choosing to dumb yourself down, why notpick a subject that you’ve always been curious to learn more about. Spendyour time watching documentaries, reading and educating yourself. There arealso lots of online courses or part-time courses that you can take your localcollege.
Events can be great fun, especially if you are sober. Some events thatyou may have enjoyed when drinking are all about drinking or taking substances,do yourself a favor and avoid these types of events. All events are not createdequally, going to a wedding or family gathering is different from a musicfestival or bar crawl. Be vigilant as to the types of events you choose toattend when living a sober life.
Instead, invite your friends to a dinner party, bowling or anotheractivity-based event. In sobriety you will find that your friends will shift tolike-minded sober folks who love to do things together, sober. Sober fun isreal fun! And with real friends!
Dancing is often something that people will only do when they have had afew drinks. Your first sober dance may feel strange but will quickly becomegreat fun. Great fun you will remember and not regret the next morning! In fact,many find they actually dance much better and have more fun when sober! So geton the dance floor.
Related: Recovery is Addiction Freedom
Research has found that dancing has a positive effect on our mental health, body image, and mood. Some studies have shown that dancing reduces depression and anxiety, due to the fact thatdancing releases feel-good chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Socialpsychologist - Amy Cuddy of Harvard, found that power posing, and how we move our body can positively impact our minds.
Substances are often used to connect with others and have the feeling of having fun. More meaningfulconnections are made when people are fully conscious and present. Your sobrietywill inspire others, and attract meaningful conversation and real connection. Peoplewill want to be with you and enjoy your company. The right people are goingto love you for who you are, rather than what substances you consume.
Admitting that you need help and support is a massive step forward,especially for people who have relapsed in the past. A support system is essentialto usher people through the recovery process. The myth of willpower overcoming addiction is just that - a myth. Addiction is a disease that normally requiresprofessional assistance to overcome. Seek out the fellowship of a good mutualsupport group such as the twelve step meetings of AA or NA. Find a group of likeminded folks where you feel supported, can make new friends, and likely have alot of fun too!
If you want to get sober, stay sober, and learn to have real fun in life, reach out to Serenity Vista today. We will guide you to have the life you deserve, one you love filled with joy and fun.
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