Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
"When my wife and I met, we were barely out of our teens. I fell head over heels in love with this vibrant and beautiful woman. When she would look deeply into my eyes and I could almost cry from the love filling my heart. We loved to camp and fish and hang out with our friends.
She was a lot of fun – in the beginning. Alcohol had always been a big part of my life, my folks and really my whole big family liked to drink a lot. I don’t recall any negative consequences of alcohol use then. Me and the guys always drank a lot of beer, and we smoked weed a lot too. It was all in good fun.
In the beginning, my wife thought we were funny, she drank a little bit too, but mostly made sure we all got home safe. She took good care of us.
Now she says I have to go to rehab.
"I admit I wasn’t able to make it to the hospital in time when my wife gave birth to our firstborn. But it wasn’t my fault. I was out with the boys, and…well, a whole series of mishaps, but none were my fault. The miracle of holding our new baby almost made up for the disappointment in my wife’s eyes. Almost.
Anyway, fast forward 13 years, and although I do work hard and my business is successful, I am drinking every day. And drinking more and more as the days and weeks and months and years go by.
My wife seems to always be crying and I am not as close to my kids as I want to be. Really, just the other day my oldest son told me he was embarrassed to bring his friends over to the house.
I want to just stay out in the garage, with my beer fridge and my little shop projects that I never finish anymore. I don't want to have to go to rehab!!
"My wife says I have to go to rehab or she is going to leave me. I am terrified; I don’t know who to turn to. All my friends drink, my family has already turned against my wife years ago – because she doesn’t approve of their drinking.
I don’t belong in rehab! I have heard stories; I have seen the addicts and street people hanging around the government treatment center in our town.
There always seems to be some controversy in the news about treatment centers, TV cameras or the police or overdoses – right in the rehab!! I don’t want to go there and subject myself to that.
My old granny, who has passed, is my guardian angel. I am praying to her for help and guidance.
I don’t want to get divorced, but I don’t want to have to go to rehab either."
Not all rehabs are created equal. There are options and there are choices. Today in the United States, Drug Addiction Treatment Rehab is BIG BUSINESS. There has been an explosion in the number and kinds of programs offered, witha small handful of big companies buying up smaller centers. And it is a multi billion dollar industry. They can be bureaucratic nightmares. In the United States, the majority of treatment programs are based on, created for, and maintained to satisfy the big insurance companies and company shareholders. Persons who require treatment are a HOT commodity for these centers who are looking to fill beds, fill beds, fill beds.Believe it or not, most centers will pay a whole lot of money for referrals from those who have made a career out of finding addicts for treatment.
The bottom line for a lot of these big centers is insurance payments and happy stockholders. But there are different options. If you have to go to rehab, your counsellor or doctor may not be aware of your best options - or you may look like a referral fee to them.
Going out of country for treatment is a way to bypass the Big Business of Rehab and the current state of its growing pains and unrest. You have choices when it comes to addiction treatment facilities.
Choosing your own private pay rehab, rather than being a referral fee for rehab headhunters, is another way to make sure you are not being shuffled off to a less than ideal center.Going out of country to a private pay rehab means that your business stays your business.
There will be nothing on your medical records, government records, or insurance records. People who don’t need to know, will think you are going on a much needed tropical retreat – and that is true.
Be clear, treatment for alcohol addiction is no vacation. It is hard work. But part of choosing an out of country tropical rehab means that you can experience a resort, retreat, and holiday feel in a beautiful part of the world. Being in a new country means that all the scenery is fresh and new.
There is no fear of running into a neighbor or in-law during recreation or going to a local AA meeting. Your privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance, and being in the mountain highlands of Panama secures that. Consider Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama.
We are private pay, affordable, discreet, warm and empathetic, and we are effective. A holistic program of spirit, body and mind, including the 12 Steps, great nutrition, an amazing property, dogs, horses, palm trees and tropical flowers create a one of a kind program.
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