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Let's consider why creative rehab art therapy is important for holistic healing from addiction or codependency and how it fosters spiritual growth and recovery. We often think of creation and destruction as opposites. While they are, they also both stem from the same single impulse - a desire to control. Sometimes it is easier to recognize a controlling nature by seeing it mirrored in others.
As extreme examples, consider two historical figures who possessedrelentless and passionate minds. These two men, in the process of creating wistfully, destroyed themselves and others in their attempts to control the world around them.For instance, art historians agree that while Pablo Picasso was immensely creative, he was equally destructive. Nearly everyone is familiar with his brilliantly creative work. But what most people don't know about the famed artist is that he routinely cast his family and friends as tragic actors in elaborate control dramas of his own making.Arguably the most industrious artist of the 20th Century, Picasso left behind tens (possibly hundreds) of thousands of innovative and original pieces of art. And, by creatively manipulating his loved ones, he also left a mess of tattered relationships in his wake, including suicides and alcoholic deaths. Picasso was at the same time creator and destroyer.
Similarly, it is a well known fact that when he was young, Adolf Hitler applied to art school, but was denied. Later during World War II Hitler, the madman, went on to apply his creativity in other horrifically destructive ways.
Finally, as we examine history deeper, we see again and again the reoccurring link between creativity and self destruction. Consider the countless unfortunate stories of famous artists, musicians, actors, or other creative souls, each creating - and each struggling with failed relationships, substance abuse, and wrecked lives.
Inaddiction, we see similar relationships between creativity, destruction, and control. Like our powerful examples of famous creative minds that became destructive, drug addicts and alcoholics alike can become trapped in similarly volatile webs.Some see themselves as victims of circumstance, unable to control themselves or their surroundings. Instead, they insist that their surroundings control them. They believe self control is beyond their ability.
While others, fully aware and accepting that recovery is within their own control, still fail repeatedly to unlock their full potential. Believing they are in control, they make repeated attempts at sobriety. But each time their progress is slowed or stopped by self-sabotaged and relapse, their hope is destroyed. In these awful unfoldings, this type of addict is at once actor, creator, and destroyer.
A common feature of manypeople in active alcoholism or addiction is the inabilityto adequately control themselves or their impulses, making an effort to control others. Many will manipulate and lie to family and friends in pursuit or protection of their substances or addictive behavior. An addict will employ immense creativity to hide his or her addiction, just as they will to preserve the source.
In the end, these ravenously creative efforts only lead to greater episodes of self-destruction, each rippling outward and affecting loved ones far and wide.
Given the curious link between creativity and destruction, is it any wonder that creative art therapy is so popular and effective in treating addiction? Holistic therapy in rehab has the potential to channel thesepowerful creative forces from destruction toward healing, restoration, recovery, and spiritual growth.
Among the many benefits of art therapy, one is self discovery. Because addiction is rooted in deep internal places, it is hard to find and heal. Until we reach the root of addiction, the recovery process is difficult, if not impossible. Deep pain, often repressed and far out of reach, is difficult to express in words. Art therapy aids in connecting with and expressing these subconscious feelings and emotions.
Again, with history as our guide, we're reminded that long before writing, mankind expressed himself through drawings. Just as expression is necessary for human growth in general, it is essential for addiction recovery.
When in balance, human creativity exists as a building force, an energy reaching toward higher levels of being each day. But if misaligned by anger, pain, guilt, or addiction, creativity is very destructive. It should come as no surprise that Picasso drank, smoked cigarettes and used drugs all throughout his prolifically destructive life.
Art therapy also helps in the discovery and unlocking of another buried treasure. All actors, artists - and also athletes - talk about being in the zone and finding their "center.” At Serenity Vista we believethateveryone has immense creative potential at their core. Using proven art therapy techniques including drawing, painting, pottery, sculpting, mandala making and more, our fun and creative projects help addicts access their pure inner identities and amazing human potential. In recovery, it is only here at our creative center that life transformation is possible.
At Serenity Vista, our mission is to help those affected by addiction or codependency heal in body, mind & spirit, and find their true selves. Our incredible staff, including our amazingly talented and passionate art therapist, are all dedicated to this mission.
If you are caught in the virulent cycle of addiction, creation, destruction, and control, we invite you to discover, as many have, that creativity is a powerfully transformative force.
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