Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
I can’t get my son to move out of my basement. I am always telling him about jobs he can apply for, but he just won’t try. I hate the smell of marijuana in the house, and cleaning up after him. He is 27 years old.
My daughter is wild, she is always dropping her kids off with me so she can go party. And then she needs help to buy food for the kids. Why won’t she get treatment?
I’ve tried everything to get my husband to stop drinking. He lies and manipulates me, and knows how to keep me hanging on. He is just like my father, and all my ex’s.
My wife doesn’t think I know how much she drinks, but there are clues all over the house. It has really gotten worse since our last child moved out.
We used to take Mom out for dinner on Sundays but her antics are too much for the public! One time she passed out in front of the kids and they were terrified.
Do you want your loved one to get help for alcohol, nicotine or other drug use? Have you tried every trick you can think of? Begging them to stop using, being really nice or being really mean? Hiding their alcohol, taking away privileges, bribing and rewarding? Do you smell their breath, read their credit card bills, go through their wallets? Do you read their private emails or texts, check their hiding places for liquor or drugs? Do you pay for their drinks, traffic fines, food, or even obtain their drugs for them? Would you do ANYTHING to help? Is your whole life wrapped up in getting them sober?
What about treatment for YOU? That’s right, for you, the codependent one, the one who is sick and tired of being sick and tired trying to control the alcoholic/addict in your life.
We understand this might be a novel thought for you – but perhaps you are the one that deserves the recovery retreat to get your life back on track. Your loved one may or may not ever decide to get help, they may or may not ever go to rehab and get sober. You really have no control over that – you’ve proved it to yourself time and time again.
What you do have control over is getting help for yourself. Knowing that your actions are enabling is one thing, stopping the behavior is another thing altogether. Where will you find the strength to say no in the face of your loved one’s cajoling? This is why the codependent can benefit from the full residential rehab experience too.
There are only a small number of holistic, 12 Step based, professional full residential or inpatient facilities for people who are not addicted to alcohol or other drugs. In Panama, there is a different sort of retreat, one that specializes in body, mind and spirit healing.
The very best thing you can give your loved ones is a healthy you. 30, 45, 70 or 90 day treatments give you the space and time to address all those unresolved issues in your own life. Spending your focus on the using or drinking one in your life hasn’t left any time for you to deal with your own life.
Now is the time. Consider codependency treatment for your own self. Take the focus off others, and look within. If you are seeking help right now for your loved one, turn your focus around and look at your own life. If you are tired of the crazy making drama in your household, you can change it.
Take the codependency self-assessment quiz, then contact us at Serenity Vista to see how your new life can unfold.
We know that addiction is a family disease, and the whole family suffers and gets sick. It only takes one to start to reverse that process, and it could start with you!
Beautiful tropical Panama is an oasis for healing. Yoga, massage, spiritual exploration, great fresh foods, a loving chocolate Labrador Retriever, empathetic and understanding counselors and therapists, and solid 12 Step work create a very special place for you.
Take The Quiz Now And Find Out.
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