Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Choosing the right rehab to go to for treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction or other forms of addiction can be overwhelming. Today, there are many choices in most developed nations. Some are government funded, many are covered by insurance, and some are private pay. A few, such as Serenity Vista, are located in tropical, get-away destinations and offer specialized private programs.
Inquiries come in from across the globe, from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Europe, and more commonly from Canada and the USA. For those that Panama in Central America is seen as a far off destination, we are sometimes asked, “Why should I travel all the way to Panama – what makes Serenity Vista unique and worth traveling to”.
The short answer is that it is simply one of the very best in the world. Serenity Vista is unique. It stands out as a highly individualized comprehensive private program in a beautiful natural tropical setting.
So, what makes Serenity Vista so special? Well, there are many reasons, many of which are outlined throughout the website, and itemized as distinguishing features including it being:
If you choose to come to Serenity Vista, what you will receive is the greatest degree of individualized attention and help possible. We are quite unique that way, in that we offer a highly professional holistic program with expert, highly skilled therapists, in a small, intimate, home like setting. People who choose to travel the distance to Serenity Vista tend to be highly motivated and very quickly open up to digging deep and exploring aspects of their life they didn't even know were inside, eating away, stirring restlessness and discontent. The urge to change the way you feel through the use of a drug or behavior. We will help you uncover these issues and heal on a very deep level.
Travelling to Serenity Vista has the feel of a get away vacation to a new, exciting, beautiful destination. The problems, relationships and work are left behind when you get on that plane. And you won't be wondering if someone from a difficult relationship will be visiting, or if you will run into a neighbor or friend of a friend. With a new, fresh perspective, many of those 'problems' start unravelling with new solutions appearing.
Going to Serenity Vista has the feel of a vacation but with so many more, lifelong benefits. Transformational benefits that change your life.
Your choice to get help for alcoholism or other addiction is your private matter. Many people would like to keep that private from their employers, insurance company or HMO, and off of medical or legal records. You are simply travelling to Panama for 'a health retreat' where you will practice yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and enjoy a variety of recreational outdoor adventure activities. That is the absolute truth. Any further detail is your private matter that you may or may not chose to share with others. Your privacy and confidentiality of the nature of your trip is guaranteed.
Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. It is the only disease that has as one of its primary symptoms the belief that you don't have it. Or that it's not that bad. Should you come to Serenity Vista, one of the many things you will learn is that 'half measures avail nothing'.
Not half; nothing. We will get to know you intimately and help you to look at and deal with issues, leaving no stone unturned. We go the 'full measure'.
Another example illustrating how our primary concern is for the complete healing of our guests, is reflected in our total abstinence approach, which includes nicotine. We have seen over time, and studies strongly support the observation, that addiction is addiction is addiction, and, if one is ignored while others are treated, the chance of relapse is much greater. Clinical studies clearly show that those that use nicotine along with other drugs, if permitted to continue smoking during addiction treatment, have lower success and higher relapse rates than those that participate in complete abstinence.
At Serenity Vista, we are smoke free, and help our guests become free of all addiction. This is not popular with most people who smoke and are looking for addiction rehab. For this reason, despite the clear logic and medical and scientific evidence, most treatment centers allow the use of tobacco products.
So, with that as one simple criterion, if you are comparing Serenity Vista with a closer place that permits smoking, you are looking at a place that has their revenue placed at a higher priority than your clinical outcome. This is but one example of what we mean when we say that our primary concern, above all else, is for you to recover fully.
You will be treated with respect, compassion, and rigorous honesty. Should you choose to take this huge leap of faith and come to Serenity Vista, that decision is a significant 'surrender' on your part, a manifestation of a huge trust and a willingness 'to go any length'.
You have a choice of dozens of rehabs. Very few delve deeply on an individual level to effect meaningful change at the level of body, mind and soul. Uniquely, Serenity Vista will work with you on a deep intrapersonal level, leaving no stone unturned, to help you TRANSFORM your one you love. Where you find purpose, joy, meaning, and serenity. At one with the universe. Don't just 'change' a few aspects of your life. Transform it! We will work diligently with you to help you do just that. That is our commitment to you.
Just think about how illogical and truly insane the cycle of addiction is. Taking a substance or engaging in a behavior to make yourself feel better, and, despite experiencing negative consequences, continuing to use or go back to the drink, drug or behavior and ultimately end up feeling worse....over and over and over. Each time subconsciously expecting a different outcome. Truly illogical.So, ironically, applying logic to what you ‘think’ is best or most convenient shouldn't really be totally trusted. Not at the stage of reaching out for help. This brings in the notion of trusting that something outside of yourself will help you, where you can't help yourself, and to take that 'leap of faith'.
Trust something other than pure logic, because your 'logic' got you to where you are. Trusting your ‘gut feeling’ more than your logical mind. Are you ready for change?
Is Serenity Vista the right rehab for you? For whatever reason, you have found your way to Serenity Vista’s website. Perhaps from where you are in the world, Panama seems very far with little known about it other than it has a canal. It may not be highly ‘logical’ to fly from a far off place such as Australia or Europe. But what does your 'gut' tell you? Where do you feel you want to place your trust?
Take time to follow the links on this page, and thoroughly explore our website. Review the testimonials and professional endorsements of Serenity Vista. And, if you want what we offer, the hope of achieving real healing, full recovery, and a set of living skills that bring meaningful peace, joy and serenity, reach out to us. We are here for you.
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